With Eco Material Technologies, manufacturers of building products have cost-effective alternatives to conventional materials that also offer significant performance advantages. We have put more than 40 years of experience in working with coal combustion products (CCPs) produced by coal-fueled power generating plants to develop products targeted to construction applications.
Cement manufacturers can choose this cost-effective, alternative raw ingredient, which has the added benefit of retarding cement set time. It gives cement manufacturers more ways to control costs and offer more competitive products.
Eco Material TileBlend™
TileBlend is a lightweight, durable material in the 1/4″ minus size range for use in concrete roof tiles.
Eco Material Gypsmart™
Wallboard manufacturers can use this synthetic gypsum in place of natural rock gypsum. It contains fewer impurities and allows manufacturers to reduce the use and maintenance requirements of rock crushers. Using Gypsmart also conserves natural resources by extending the life of the gypsum mine. It makes a cost-effective alternative for wallboard manufacturing operations.
Eco Material has marketed this durable aggregate in concrete block to the construction industry for many years. This proven product offers properties such as low unit weight, a gray color and angular shape. The material is carefully screened and graded in Eco Material’s processing facilities to ensure consistency. Our experienced sales representatives work with manufacturers to create and modify mix designs with Valulite.